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Membership Benefits

Member Firms enjoy a variety of benefits both from ACEC of Wyoming and from national ACEC.  Key benefits are presented as follows:

ACEC of Wyoming


  • Legislation is monitored to identify proposed bills having the potential to impact the practice of engineering and/or surveying in Wyoming.
  • Members are kept informed of pending legislation and, if appropriate, testimony is provided in support or opposition to a proposed bill.
  • Activities and policies of state and local agencies (DEQ, WWDC, SLIB, counties, schools, municipalities, etc.) are monitored to determine their impact on engineering and surveying firms.
  • Periodic conferences held with state agency presentations designed to promote communication.
  • ACEC of Wyoming maintains an active liaison committee with WYDOT to assure Member Firms are aware of, and understand the goals, objectives, policies, and procedures of WYDOT, and vice versa.
  • Professional services procurement practices are monitored to determine compliance with Wyoming procurement statutes.
  • ACEC of Wyoming supports national ACEC in their programs to monitor and influence federal legislation and administrative actions.





National ACEC



Other Benefits

For more information about ACEC of Wyoming, please contact or call (307) 635-8111.

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