Action Alerts
You can make a big difference in just 5 minutes! Learn the issues that affect you and your company, and give your opinion to lawmakers and agencies. The actions of our government have an enormous impact so please educate yourself.
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DPC is the driver for innovation and fair government policies for ACEC. As the large firm coalition for ACEC, we spearhead and lead the entire private consulting industry to promote, defend, redefine, reinvent, and adapt to our ever-changing industry.
You can make a big difference in just 5 minutes! Learn the issues that affect you and your company, and give your opinion to lawmakers and agencies. The actions of our government have an enormous impact so please educate yourself.
Membership is capped at 60 Member Firms and is focused on the ENR Top 100. Please click below to learn more/submit an application.
Debra Cohen Gordon
Vice President & Executive Director
Design Professionals Coalition (DPC)
5705 Trafton Place
Bethesda, MD 20817