We’ve all been on projects with teams that simply don’t work. Deadlines are missed, fingers are pointed, blame is passed all around. It feels terrible. And the worst part is that team will have to work together again.
As a proposal manager and consultant, Carrie Ann Williams has worked on diverse teams with SMEs, capture managers, editors, writers, and designers. She understands that on any given proposal you could have 20 or 30 people involved, and she’s seen how these teams can operate successfully — with purpose, collaboration, process, communication, and celebration.
Join Carrie Ann as she shares stories and insights from teams that worked and teams that didn’t. You’ll leave this 60-minute session inspired to bring these practices to your own projects, to re-energize your teams, and to build high-performing teams that work well together from day 1 to day 100.
- Elements needed to build a high performing team
- How to build a team quickly with people who don’t often work together, or who have never worked together
- Tips on getting proposal teams, or any team, to work together to meet deadlines
Presenter: Carrie Ann Williams, Andana Consulting, LLC