MinuteMan Fund
Does your state have an emerging legal, legislative, or regulatory issue that needs to be addressed? ACEC’s MinuteMan Fund may be able to help.
The Minuteman Fund, ACEC’s legal/legislative war chest for state advocacy issues, has helped Member Organizations for over 25 years to protect and advance the interests of the engineering industry. Established in 1996, the Fund has supported many M.O. victories, including the protection of QBS; the establishment of the Economic Loss Doctrine in Nevada; beating back professional sales tax on engineering services; legislative issues, legal defense, and the passage of many state infrastructure funding referendums.
NAECE Leadership
ACEC Alaska is the business voice of the Alaska consulting engineering industry and is devoted exclusively to advancing the business of and advocating for engineering companies. We focus on government advocacy, business education, and politcal action.
ACEC Arizona is a dynamic business association with member firms employing over 6,500 employees in the independent private practice of consulting engineering and land surveying in Arizona.
Professional engineers and surveyors dedicated to building a better California.
ACEC Colorado -- Founded in 1956, the state council represents nearly 260 consulting engineering firms in Colorado and advances a business environment that helps professional design firms thrive.
ACEC-CT is a strong voice for the Engineering companies in Connecticut. ACEC-CT represents over 70 fims and 2,000 employees, ranging from sole prorietorships to large firms. Our member firms offer a variety of engineering services, as well as architecture, land surveying, planning, and consturction managment. ACEC-CT is a member organization of the American Council of Engineering Companies (ACEC).
The American Council of Engineering Companies of Florida is the voice of engineering in the Sunshine State. ACEC Florida brings together more than 300 leading engineering companies, representing more than 20,000 employees, who are working to bring the extraordinary to the everyday lives of Floridians.
The American Council of Engineering Companies of Hawaii is the voice of the engineering industry in Hawaii.
The American Council of Engineering Companies of Idaho is the voice of the engineering industry in Idaho.
The American Council of Engineering Companies of Illinois is the voice of the engineering industry in Illinois.
The American Council of Engineering Companies of Indiana (ACEC Indiana) is a Non-profit trade association representing over 140 Professional Consulting Engineering firms and Associate Member companies throughout the state. It is affiliated with ACEC, Washington, D.C. Members include principals, owners, and other professional staff, and providers of industry-related professional services and products. ACEC Indiana provides its members with networking & mentoring opportunities; legislative advocacy; industry news & information; and professional development opportunities via workshops/training events, conferences and online education.
ACEC-KY is the face and voice for engineering businesses in Kentucky for advocacy, access, and education.
We are the Maine Member Organization of the national ACEC which is headquartered in Washington, DC. Our membership is made up of consulting engineering firms and we exist to assist owners, principles and managers of member firms to develop successful businesses. This differentiates us from all other engineering associations and societies.
Established over sixty years ago, the American Council of Engineering Companies/Maryland (ACEC/MD) is the engineering industry’s business association, representing approximately 90 companies in the state of Maryland employing 7,000 professionals.
The American Council of Engineering Companies of Massachusetts (ACEC/MA) is the business association of the Massachusetts engineering industry, representing over 120 independent engineering, A/E and land surveying companies engaged in the development of transportation, environmental, industrial, and other infrastructure. Founded in 1960 and headquartered in Boston, MA, ACEC/MA is a member organization of the American Council of Engineering Companies (ACEC) based in Washington, DC. ACEC is a national federation of 51 state and regional organizations.
The American Council of Engineering Companies of Michigan (ACEC/Michigan) is the business voice of the Michigan consulting engineering industry. Founded in 1956, ACEC/Michigan was organized with the objective of assisting its members in achieving higher professional, business and economic standards, thus enabling them to provide better engineering services in the interest of their clients.
The American Council of Engineering Companies of Missouri, Inc., ACEC/MO, is an organization of professional engineering firms in private practice. Formed July 12, 1955 and incorporated under the laws of the State of Missouri, ACEC/MO, is a founding member organization of American Council of Engineering Companies (ACEC).
ACEC Nebraska is association that advocates, educates, networks, and awards and recognizes outstanding engineering efforts of its member firms. We are the voice of the consulting engineers in Nebraska.
ACEC Nevada is the Member Organization of ACEC National which is headquartered in Washington, DC. ACEC NV was incorporated to protect the public, ensure ethical and professional standards, promote harmony, cooperation, and mutual understanding among independent consulting engineers engaged in private practice, and cooperate with other organizations, public agencies and clients on issues affecting the engineering community or general public. ACEC Nevada's membership is made up of consulting engineering firms and we exist to assist owners, principles and managers of member firms to develop successful businesses. This differentiates us from all other engineering associations and societies.
New York
The American Council of Engineering Companies of New York (ACEC New York) is a proactive coalition representing nearly 300 member firms who engage in every discipline of engineering related to the built environment including civil, structural, mechanical, electrical, environmental, and geotechnical. We are a diverse group of consulting engineering firms from across New York State, ranging from sole proprietors to multinational corporations that collectively employ over 30,000 New Yorkers and nearly ten times that number worldwide. Our shared goals are to further the business interests of our membership, enhance the quality and safety of the environment we live and work in, and help ensure the vitality of our communities.
North Carolina
The American Council of Engineering Companies of North Carolina (ACEC/NC) is the sole organization in North Carolina that represents the business interests of the engineering industry in our state. ACEC/NC also provides legislative advocacy for member companies and strives to build relationships between the private and public sectors of the engineering industry.
North Dakota
The American Council of Engineering Companies of North Dakota (ACEC/ND) is a nonprofit, voluntary, self-governing organization, for the purpose of protecting the public interest and advancing the professional position of engineers in private practice.
The American Council of Engineering Companies of Ohio is a non-profit trade association comprised of firms that provide a wide array of engineering and other professional services for all types of construction and environmental improvement projects. ACEC Ohio member companies provide services to local, state and federal government agencies, as well as commercial and industrial clients.The mission of ACEC Ohio is to advocate for the advancement and protection of the engineering business. ACEC Ohio is the state affiliate of the American Council of Engineering Companies.
South Dakota
American Council of Engineering Companies of South Dakota advances the business interests of the consulting engineering profession in South Dakota. As a Member Organization of American Council of Engineering Companies (ACEC), ACEC/SD's mission is to enhance the public understanding and image of the consulting engineering profession, proactively represent the profession in public affairs and legislative issues and provide a forum for discussion and continued business education
ACEC Texas is the business association of Texas engineering firms. Our mission is to advance a favorable business environment for our member firms.
The American Council of Engineering Companies of Utah (ACEC Utah) is the business association of Utah’s engineering industry. Founded in 1953 the council represents independent engineering companies throughout Utah engaged in the development of the state’s transportation, environmental, water and industrial infrastructure. The Council’s mission is to strengthen the business environment for our member firms through government advocacy, political action, and business education. ACEC Utah is affiliated with the American Council of Engineering Companies (ACEC) a national federation of 51 state and regional organizations founded in 1909.
ACEC Virginia advocates for a positive regulatory and business environment for consulting engineering firms by providing leadership, education, and programmatic support to expand and sustain their businesses.
Washington D.C.
ACEC/MW was founded in 1958 to serve the business needs of its professional member firms, and is the local member-organization of the American Council of Engineering Companies (ACEC). ACEC/MW’s membership comprises over 100 consulting engineering firms with over 5,400 employees. ACEC/MW covers the following geographic areas: Washington DC; Montgomery and Prince George’s Counties in Maryland; and Northern Virginia