The Minuteman Fund

Established in 1996, the Minuteman Fund has proven to be a powerful asset for the ACEC federation, serving as a transformative tool for Member Organizations (MOs) seeking to enhance their impact in support of the engineering industry. As ACEC’s dedicated legal and legislative resource for advocacy on critical issues, the Fund has enabled MOs to safeguard and advance the business interests of the engineering sector.


Minuteman Fund Logo
Chris Klein Portrait

Expanding the Impact

“The Minuteman Fund had a crucial impact on our fight against indemnification and duty to defend in Wisconsin. The timely grant propelled us through intense negotiations on our bill and its passage through the legislature. Because of the Fund’s aid, we were able to pass our bill in just one legislative session, delivering a win for our members.”

Chris Klein, Executive Director
ACEC Wisconsin and 2023-2024 NAECE Chair

Minuteman Fund Grants FY23 - FY24

August 2023 South Carolina Support for indemnification, Duty to Defend, and joint-and-several liability legislation
September 2023 Illinois Support for campaign to prevent expansion of state prevailing wage law to surveyors
September 2023 Michigan Support for a workforce study
September 2023 NAECE Support for a national R&D Tax Credit Amortization Ad Campaign
December 2023 California Support for helping LHIT-insured member firms by repurposing approximately $54,000 of a February 2023 grant
December 2023 Minnesota Support for passing a strengthened QBS law
December 2023 Arizona Support for a 2024 ballot initiative to continue transportation infrastructure funding for Maricopa County
March 2024 New Jersey Support for legislation to reauthorize the state Transportation Trust Fund Authority (TTFA)
April 2024 South Carolina Support for an infrastructure funding impact study to assist in state advocacy efforts

Get Involved

Both firms and individuals may contribute to the Fund. Help us to help you! Show your support for the Fund by checking off the Minuteman Fund box on your dues invoice, or send a contribution by check payable to ACEC to Minuteman Fund/Accounting Department, ACEC, 1400 L Street, NW, 4th Floor, Washington, D.C. 20005-2605.

MO Requests for Minuteman funding must meet the following requirements: 

The complete list of funding criteria follows:

  1. The issue(s) for which funding is requested must potentially affect a large segment of the Membership or otherwise have significant precedent-setting implications.
  2. The Member Organization must demonstrate its own political commitment to the effort.
  3. The Member Organization and/or its Member Firms should make a reasonable financial commitment to the issue for which it is seeking a Minuteman Fund grant.
  4. The Member Organization should include a voluntary check-off on its Member Firms’ dues invoices for contributions to the Minuteman Fund or in some other equally systematic and regular way, encourages its Member Firms to contribute to the Fund.
  5. The funding request must be submitted prior to the conclusion of the legal or legislative action by the Member Organization for which Minuteman funds are solicited.
  6. Funding may not be provided for reimbursement of Member Organization funds already expended.
  7. Funding requests for defraying the costs of ordinary or routine Member Organization advocacy efforts shall be subject to more detailed scrutiny, including a review of the M.O. budget.  Such grant requests are not intended to be annual awards or expenditures.
  8. The Member Organization should demonstrate its commitment to ACEC advocacy efforts, both state and national, including making progress in meeting its ACEC/PAC goal.

Staff Contact

Charles Kim

Charles joined ACEC in July 1998 as Assistant Director, State Legislative Programs.…

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