The Legal Counsel Forum (LCF) was created so that in-house and outside counsel to ACEC member firms could meet and share information about legal issues facing engineering companies. Such individuals can ask to be included in the Forum's online communities and meetings upon request. Over time, it has also become customary for professional liability insurance specialists to participate in the Forum and Listserv at the invitation of the Chair.

The LCF meets for two days in conjunction with the ACEC Annual Convention and Fall Conference. The Chair of the Forum prepares a draft agenda that is circulated to the Forum participants shortly before the meeting. The agenda is finalized at the meeting itself.

Past discussion topics have included:

  • Economic Loss Doctrine
  • Building Information Modeling (BIM) and Integrated Project Delivery
  • Downsizing
  • Limitation of Liability Clauses
  • Document Retention Policies

For more information please contact Charles Kim.

Staff Contact

Charles Kim
