ACEC’s Young Professionals Forum is targeted to individuals under 35-years old who aspire to firm leadership. In addition to quarterly education opportunities, the Young Professionals forum offers an interactive online community for these professionals to share best practices; and a Steering Committee of young leaders that helps to develop topics for future programming.

Each ACEC conference and convention features content specifically designed to explore emerging professional leadership concepts and skills and the Forum is working to turn this group into an active and steadily growing peer network. Those who qualify are also offered reduced registration rates to all National conventions and events.

Topics covered in Young Professional programs/sessions include:

  • Leadership techniques across generations in the workforce
  • Fostering organizational health, resilience, and creativity
  • Communication, both face-to-face and electronic
  • Management skills and approaches
  • Improving workplace accountability

The Young Professionals Online Community offers peer collaboration by providing an environment to connect and engage; share experiences, industry information, and best practices; seek and share advice; and exchange resources and build relationships. This communications vehicle makes it easy for young professionals to participate and share on a consistent basis.

Participation in the Young Professionals Forum is available to employees of member firms at no cost, although there may be costs associated with some of the educational offerings.

For more information please contact Maureen Brown at

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Maureen Brown
