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ACEC News / Advocacy

March 4, 2020

ACEC Joins U.S. Chamber in Support of Comprehensive Senate Energy Bill

ACEC signed onto a letter with the U.S. Chamber of Commerce and other stakeholders urging the Senate to pass the American Energy Innovation Act, which would be the most comprehensive update to U.S. energy law in more than a decade.

The bill, which includes pieces of more than 50 bills that have cleared the Senate Energy Committee, would increase investments in energy efficiency, geothermal power, and emissions-cutting technologies in the industrial sector and boost technologies such as advanced nuclear, energy storage, and carbon capture through dedicated funding and demonstration programs.

“We believe there is much common ground upon which all sides of the debate can come together to begin to address climate change, promote American technological leadership, and foster continued economic growth,” states the letter. “In particular, there is a growing consensus that the development and commercialization of new technologies are important factors that will determine how quickly and at what cost greenhouse gas emissions can be reduced.”

Click here to read the letter.

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March 4, 2020



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