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ACEC News / Advocacy

May 11, 2020

ACEC Launches Rescue/Recover/Rebuild Advocacy Campaign

ACEC has launched its virtual grassroots advocacy campaign urging Congress to focus its COVID-19 recovery efforts on an infrastructure-based recovery legislative agenda.

The central message of ACEC’s advocacy program is that significant investment in our nation’s physical and critical infrastructure is essential to unlock America’s post-pandemic economic recovery.  The program’s theme of Rescue/Recover/Rebuild will underscore the interconnection between economic growth and modern, future-looking infrastructure investment.

“COVID-19 will change the way Americans interact with the built environment for the foreseeable future and our infrastructure must adapt to meet the challenges of the ‘new normal,’” said ACEC President & CEO Linda Bauer Darr.

ACEC Board Chair Charlie Gozdziewski added, “Congress should seize this opportunity and pass an infrastructure-focused recovery bill that not only jump-starts job creation but prepares America to lead in a post-pandemic economy.”

The House and Senate already have the building blocks in place to create an infrastructure-based recovery agenda. Both Chambers are moving their respective water and surface infrastructure reauthorization bills at the Committee level.  What is needed now is leadership from Speaker Pelosi, Leader McConnell and President Trump to fast-track these bills into a package that can serve as the foundation for the next recovery bill.

America’s engineering industry plays a central role in designing the built environment.  Throughout the coming weeks, ACEC member firm leaders will be reaching out to their elected officials and congressional leaders through virtual meetings, social media, phone calls and e-mails to urge support for an infrastructure-first recovery agenda. 

Click here for more information on the Rescue/Recover/Rebuild program. Follow the conversation on social media with the hashtag #RescueRecoverRebuild.

All comments to blog posts will be moderated by ACEC staff.

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May 11, 2020



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