ACEC News / Advocacy
October 8, 2020
ACEC Research Institute Hosts Online Panel on Holistic Infrastructure Planning and Design
The ACEC Research Institute, in partnership with Accelerator for America and the New Partnership on Infrastructure, hosted on Wednesday the final segment in a series of four online panel discussions looking at recommendations for better aligning federal infrastructure policies, funding, and regulations with local needs and priorities.
In the discussion, the panelists focused on the recommendations to improve holistic infrastructure planning and design in the Community Serving Infrastructure: A Playbook for a New Infrastructure Partnership, which was recently published by the New Partnership for Infrastructure, the ACEC Research Institute, and several other organizations, including WSP USA and HNTB.
The speakers were Oklahoma City Mayor David Holt; Henry Cisneros, former Secretary of Housing and Urban Development; Robert Puentes, president & CEO of the Eno Center for Transportation; and Beth Osborne, director of Transportation for America.
The speakers discussed both existing and potential innovations in federal economic recovery policy, including the new concept to establish a federal infrastructure planning council to coordinate multiple agency policies and funding programs; opportunities to expand federal discretionary grant programs to address broader needs and break down infrastructure silos; and the potential for federal leadership to help guide cities with their complete street plans..
Click here to access the hour-long panel discussion.
Click here for the first panel discussion, which focused on Funding and Financing Infrastructure.
Click here to access the second program, in which panelists discussed recommendations to accelerate infrastructure project delivery.
Click here for the third discussion, which highlighted recommendations to stimulate innovation in climate and water infrastructure.
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