Engineers Week / Member Organizations
February 21, 2019
ACEC/Virginia Inspires Next Generation at Engineers Week Event

ACEC/Virginia’s Next Generation Subcommittee participated in Engineering Ingenuity Day at the Science Museum of Virginia. Hosted as part of National Engineers Week, the event brought together elementary, middle, and high school students from the greater Richmond area for a day of engineering challenges.
The ACEC/VA booth tested students’ engineering intuition with K’nex and a shake table. Students built structures from K’nex pieces and evaluated how well they stood up during a “seismic” event. As they worked on their structures, Next Generation Subcommittee members educated both students and parents on the diversity, opportunities, and significance of the engineering profession.
“We are proud to have taken part inspiring the next generation of young engineers and look forward to next year’s event!” said ACEC/VA Executive Director Nancy Israel.
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