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Engineers Week / Member Organizations

February 22, 2021

ACEC Wisconsin Seeks to Flood Social Media with E-Week Celebration Graphics

ACEC Wisconsin Seeks to Flood Social Media  with E-Week Celebration Graphics

ACEC Wisconsin has developed an impressive list of social media graphics highlighting the numerous ways engineering touches everyone’s lives. The graphics are available for anyone to use.

Wisconsin’s Engineers Week social media downloads and instructions are available here. Graphics can be used on personal and company social media pages.

Kelly Veit, ACEC Wisconsin chief operations officer is encouraging members to help light-up social media with #EngineersMakeItHappen!”

“We just want to raise awareness and add to the celebration of National Engineers Week,” Veit said. “Social media is so important since it can help expose how engineers touch people’s lives and improves them, to those outside of our industry.”

As part of its E-week celebration, ACEC Wisconsin also will announce winners in their 2021 Engineering Excellence Awards competition.

All comments to blog posts will be moderated by ACEC staff.


February 22, 2021



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