ACEC News / Advocacy
October 8, 2019
Alaska Surpasses 2019 ACEC/PAC Goal
ACEC/Alaska has hit its ACEC/PAC fundraising goal every year since 2000 and 2019 was no different. In celebrating the M.O.’s achievement, first-year PAC Champion Matthew Stone focused on the foundation laid by his predecessor.
“I took over as the PAC Champion from Floyd Damron this year,” Stone said. “These were incredibly big shoes to fill as he has led Alaska to its goal for the past 19 years. I would like to thank Floyd for his tireless efforts and education of the Alaska Member Firms on the importance of supporting the ACEC PAC.
“It makes my fundraising job easy when all the leaders in the local consulting engineering community understand the importance of the ACEC/PAC.”
For more information about ACEC/PAC and ACEC’s political programs visit the ACEC/PAC website or contact ACEC Director of Political Affairs Jennifer Pugh.
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