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Making its third stop since announcing its nationwide plan to highlight impactful infrastructure projects and the need for a larger workforce to make more of these projects a reality, the Engineering and Public Works Roadshow will hold a press conference at 10:00 a.m. central time on Tuesday, September 19, at the Able Pump Station in Dallas, Texas.

The Roadshow is a partnership between the American Council of Engineering Companies (ACEC), the American Public Works Association (APWA), and the American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE). It’s designed to highlight the meaningful, transformational work of engineers and public works professionals throughout the U.S. The event will feature the leaders of ACEC, APWA, and ASCE, along with federal, state, and local officials, as well as from HDR, the engineers responsible for designing the Able Pump Station.

The Able Pump Station is an ACEC and ASCE project winner, receiving the ACEC Eminent Conceptor Award (2021); ACEC Grand Award, Engineering Excellence Awards (2021); an ASCE Outstanding Civil Engineering Achievement (OCEA) Honor Award Recipient (2022); and ASCE Texas Section’s Project of the Year Award (2021).  The station is a stellar example of engineering to adapt the built environment to rapid changes in weather and climate.  Further, it represents the forward-looking design that will originate through the recently passed Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act.

Learn more about the Able Pump Station here.  Click here for more information on the Roadshow and to watch the event live on the 19th.



September 12, 2023



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