Education / Engineers Week
February 2, 2022
EWeek Online Panel to Discuss How to Help Young Engineers Thrive, February 23
During Engineers Week (February 20-26), the first DiscoverE Persist program of 2022 will look at the academic, social, and personal skills and competencies that can help students not just navigate barriers and stress culture but function optimally in engineering programs.
The hour-long online program is scheduled for 2:00 pm (ET) on February 23.
The panelists will strive to reimagine what’s possible along the career trajectory, moving beyond surviving to cultivating a culture of engineering thriving.
The panel includes: Dr. Julianna Gesun, University of New Hampshire; Dr. Allison Godwin, Purdue University; Dr. Matilde Sánchez-Peña, University of Buffalo; and Dr. Stephany Santos, University of Connecticut.
Click here for more information and to register for the free program.
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