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Industry News / Infrastructure Funding

April 2, 2019

FEMA to Invest $400 to $600 Million Annually in Disaster Mitigation

States prone to hurricanes, floods, and other disasters will have access to between $400 and $600 million in grants annually through an expanded FEMA disaster mitigation program created by Congress last year. The funds will be available beginning in 2020.

The National Public Infrastructure Pre-Disaster Hazard Mitigation fund will replace the Pre-Disaster Mitigation Grant Program, which has allocated $50 million annually to states and communities for resilience projects. But the amount was so small “that you really couldn’t do a major project,” Gaynor told E&E News. “We’re trying to aim at it making infrastructure more resilient. It’s going to be aimed at projects that are going to move the needle.”

Under last year’s Disaster Recovery Reform Act, FEMA is required to set aside up to 6 percent of the money it spends on disaster relief for local projects aimed at improving resiliency and reducing the likelihood of future disaster damage.

Gaynor said FEMA will prioritize projects that strengthen a wide range of infrastructure, from energy and transportation systems to health and medical services.

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April 2, 2019



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