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ACEC News / Fall Conference

October 14, 2019

Rinaudo Tells Fall Conference About Cutting-Edge Autonomous Drone Medial Supply Delivery System

Rinaudo Tells Fall Conference About Cutting-Edge Autonomous Drone  Medial Supply Delivery System

Zipline CEO Keller Rinaudo thrilled the ACEC Fall Conference audience with how his company has developed cutting-edge drone technology to instantly deliver medical supplies to underserved populations in Africa.

“Our goal is to turn every health clinic in the world into the Mayo Clinic,” he said.

The firm started four years ago in Rwanda and today can deliver blood and medical supplies to anywhere in the country within 30 minutes.

Zipline designed and built its own autonomous fixed-wing drones and has created an air-traffic control system using primarily iPhone and iPad technology.

The firm also has contracts to deliver medical products in Ghana, India, and Australia. “Currently, we can reach about 20 million people,” said Rinaudo. “Our target is to reach 2 billion people within five years.”

It has also signed a contract to start operations in North Carolina in 2020 and is working with the Federal Aviation Administration to develop a nationwide instant delivery system.


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October 14, 2019



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