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ACEC News / Education

February 25, 2022

Upcoming ACEC Online Classes: Effective Contracts, LinkedIn, and Infrastructure Delivery

Managing Risk through Effective Contracts
Tuesday, March 1, 1:30-3:00 PM (Eastern)

Your professional services agreement is an essential tool in managing your exposure to risk. An equitable contract fairly apportions risk, while an onerous contract can shift inordinate—and sometimes uninsurable—liability to you. The terms and conditions of the agreement establish the roles and responsibilities of the design professional and the client. The contract review and negotiation process provide you with an opportunity to set reasonable expectations with your client. And, in the event of a claim or dispute, your contract is the first piece of documentation the claims examiner will request. 

In this workshop, Diane Mika and Andy Mendelson of Berkley Design Professional will review the risk management fundamentals that underlie the development of effective contracts, the contract review process, and key clauses that impact your risk exposure.

Learning Objectives:

  • Understand the direct and indirect cost of professional liability claims, the two main types of risk design professionals face, the basic model for dealing with risk, and the importance of the standard of care
  • Review claims benchmark data regarding the exposure, frequency, and severity of claims by firm size, discipline, client type, and project type
  • Walk through the contract lifecycle including client and project selection, the role of your proposal, the review process, the use of an interim agreement, and educating the design team
  • Review key contract clauses that impact your risk exposure, and gain tools and checklists that help you manage the process

Click here to register.

Reinvent Your Marketing and Business Development with LinkedIn
Wednesday, March 2, 1:30-3:00 PM (Eastern)

LinkedIn has long become one of the most powerful business tools for 21st-century brand building, professional networking, lead generation, and more. Yet, for many AEC firms, it’s often underutilized or misused.

In today’s changed marketplace, marketing can’t stop, but it needs to pivot. With all in-person meetings and events indefinitely on hold, mastering the “how” of using LinkedIn is essential for moving your firm’s marketing and business development forward.

In this session, Ida Cheinman, Principal/Creative Director, Substance151, Benefit LLC, will help you master LinkedIn—for good times or bad—including the must-haves of an optimum LinkedIn profile, tips for improving your firm’s company page, LinkedIn etiquette, strategically identifying and making connections, nurturing leads, and building relationships, and LinkedIn content strategies for prospecting and ongoing engagement.

Participant takeaways:

  • Learn how to create an optimum LinkedIn profile that cuts through the noise, reinforces their brand, and builds credibility and trust
  • Identify top strategies for repositioning their firm online with a stronger company page
  • See “behind the scenes” of LinkedIn’s most powerful features for strategically identifying, making, and nurturing connections
  • Learn key principles for developing a winning LinkedIn content strategy and posting, publishing, and sharing content for ongoing engagement.

Click here to register.

Infrastructure Delivery in the Changing Climate of Environmental Regulations 
Thursday, March 3, 1:30-3:00 PM (Eastern)

The presentation will focus on the implications and risks associated with anticipated changes to federal environmental regulations under the Biden administration. 

In this presentation, Kevin Ramberg, Principal, aci consulting, will walk through how these changes may affect project delivery for the massive infrastructure push that the Biden administration is pursuing as well. This may include schedule implications, mitigation efforts, and revising regulatory approvals. The regulations that will be addressed include: NEPA, Clean Water Act, Endangered Species Act, and Clean Air Act.

Learning Objectives:

  • Insight into changing environmental regulation
  • Effects of project delivery by ongoing changes
  • Best practices to stay current on changing environmental regulations

Click here to register.

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Engineering Influence Podcast Ad

February 25, 2022



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