For engineering firms, the health care (HC) and science+technology (S+T) markets are large with $45 billion in HC construction estimated for 2020, according to FMI. There are more than 600 health care systems and 6,000 hospitals in the U.S. (source: American Hospital Association and the U.S. Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality). In addition to hospitals, facility types include outpatient centers and medical office buildings (MOBs), as well as laboratory, production and administrative space for pharmaceutical, biotechnology, and university clients. A wide range of engineering services are provided to these clients, often with specialized needs related to mechanical/electrical, HVAC, and commissioning.
In this private industry brief:
- Market Scope
- 5 Market Trends
- Top Clients
- Number of Urgent Care Centers
- Top 10 Bottlenecks in U.S.
- Largest 25 North American Ports
- Government Affairs Action
- Business Development Insight
- Top 10 Life Science Clusters & Regions with Highest Life Sciences Venture Capital Funding