ACEC News / Coronavirus
April 2, 2020
Letter from ACEC CEO Linda Bauer Darr: Tools to Weather the COVID-19 Storm
To the ACEC Community:
As we all begin to settle into the “new normal” routine of social distancing and remote work, I am repeatedly amazed at how resilient our industry is to disruptions such as the one we find ourselves in. Through my own calls, zoom meetings and e-mails, I know our members are working day and night to ensure their businesses remain intact through this crisis. I also know that many of our firms are turning adversity into opportunity by engaging with federal and state partners to expand hospital capacity by building new temporary facilities and retrofitting existing buildings to care for the sick.
There is no question that our industry is essential at a time like this, and it’s ACEC National’s job – in tandem with our family of member organizations – to give you the tools you need to weather the storm and come out stronger for it.
Here’s what’s happening at ACEC this week:
Our advocacy department is working hard to distribute guidance from federal agencies responsible for implementing coronavirus response legislation. Today, the IRS released guidance on the payroll tax credits connected to Families First Coronavirus Response Act
(FFCRA) emergency paid leave, and made available Form 7200 for advance payment of these tax credits. This information and more has been posted to our resource page.
Online Resources:
In the coming days, we will be revamping our Coronavirus Resource Page to make it more user friendly. If you haven’t visited the page, I encourage you to do so as it contains a significant amount of information on federal programs aimed at assisting small businesses as part of the CARES Act.
Free Webinars:
We are continuing to host free webinars, which have been very popular with our members. Tomorrow we will hold one from 1:30 to 2:30pm called “Navigating Your Small Firm Though the COVID-19.” On the 7th, we will host “You’re Not Alone: Tools for Living and Working in Uncertain Times” from 11:30am – 12:30pm. Again, registration for these webinars is free and they can be accessed on-demand if you can’t make the live presentation.
Finally, we have begun a new series of coronavirus related interviews through our Engineering Influence podcast program. I invite you to listen to our own Steve Hall review the CARES Act, and Sage Policy Group’s Anirban Basu discuss the macroeconomic outlook for the nation. We are also continuing to post on ACEC’s Last Word. If you haven’t subscribed to the blog, I encourage you to do so here.
As always, the team at ACEC National is here to support you through COVID-19. If you have any questions or need assistance with anything, please reach out.
Stay safe and stay resilient. The work you do matters.
Linda Bauer Darr
President & CEO
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