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The purpose of this Open Committee is to drive the engineering industry’s energy agenda through the development and execution of a proactive legislative and regulatory advocacy program.

2024-25 Goals

  1. Develop a strategy to define and develop a series of mid to long-term goals and objectives for 3 to 5 years as a guide and basis for identifying short term steps that support and align with longer term goals.
  2. Define key areas of the energy market that have developed or are developing that ACEC members are involved in or should consider becoming involved in. Initial areas of focus should include but are not limited to:
    1. Energy security and resilience
    2. Modernize the energy grid infrastructure
    3. Power generation development
    4. Nuclear energy
    5. Natural gas energy
    6. Decentralization and energy storage
    7. Future fuels (RNG and Hydrogen)
  3. Develop a pro-active energy policy agenda that reflects the impacts to the public and private markets. This will include regulatory bodies not just in the energy sector but other regulatory bodies that impact energy usage such as construction and transportation.
  4. Attract an active and engaged membership both for this Committee and for ACEC. This will define the existing and possible role of engineering in the key markets and what role engineers can and should play in new markets such as Energy as a Service.
  5. Identify and collaborate with outside stakeholder organizations to advance business and market opportunities for the engineering industry. This will include developers, financiers, equipment suppliers, technical solutions providers, constructors, and owner operators.
  6. Advance ACEC's visibility and influence on the Hill on emerging energy priorities, and thereby propel the engineering industry’s energy agenda.
  7. Promote the engineering industry’s agenda regarding legislation and regulation in support of critical energy infrastructure protection, resilience, reliability, affordability, and sustainability.
  8. Promote efficiency and certainty of energy technology licensing, facility siting and permitting processes. Support development of fast track permitting processes to ensure advancement of key projects.
  9. Promote investment in, and efficient allocation of an energy-related workforce, public and private. This will also address skill shortages and delivery methods to deal with the anticipated shortfall in skilled labor compared to deployed funds and number of projects.
  10. Collaborate with other associations and client organizations to promote: ACEC's energy agenda; PR efforts on benefits of energy infrastructure investment; and member awareness of public and private energy investment challenges and opportunities.
  11. Collaborate with ACEC coalitions, committees, and state Member Organizations to address relevant legislation, regulations, and issues of joint concern within public and private energy markets

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Open Committee

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