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The purpose of the committee is to promote responsible legislation and regulations on transportation infrastructure issues, including highways, railroads, aviation, and mass transit, and develop and recommend Council positions before Congress, the Executive, and State agencies.

2024-25 Goals

  1. Oversee successful implementation of the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act by promoting industry priorities in federal regulatory actions, disseminating information on key grant opportunities and funding decisions, and influencing new program developments.
  2. Begin to identify industry priorities and potential challenges for the upcoming reauthorization of federal surface transportation programs in 2026.
  3. Work with AASHTO and FHWA on consistent utilization of the revised Uniform Audit and Accounting Guide; promote uniform FAR compliance, clear guidance on executive compensation, and elimination of arbitrary overhead and salary caps in every state.
  4. Defeat efforts to restrict outsourcing by state DOTs and promote/strengthen outsourcing provisions in legislation and program guidance.
  5. Promote ACEC Research Institute findings and recommendations for best practices on projects utilizing the lump sum payment method.
  6. Monitor impact and advocate industry priorities in emerging practices and technologies, including digital delivery, unmanned aircraft systems, connected/automated vehicles, sustainability and practical design standards.
  7. Utilize ACEC alliances with other transportation and infrastructure organizations to advance ACEC priorities.

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Open Committee

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