Student Loan Repayment (SLR) Plans are trending among A/E firms, but what are the real benefits? And how do they impact your staff’s ability to save for retirement?
Join Erin Turley to explore the advantages of implementing an SLR plan and review the ACEC RT’s new tax-qualified student loan repayment contribution benefit.
Throughout this 60-minute session, you’ll examine recently proposed legislation and regulatory activity related to SLR plans and also consider the ACEC Retirement Trust’s benefit as well as a broader analysis of the Retirement Trust and how it assists ACEC Members with their 401(k) Plan needs.
- Examine the structure of the ACEC RT student loan repayment contribution benefit
- Explore how student loan payments are tracked, different design options available for interested plan sponsors, and how the ACEC RT assists plan sponsors in maximizing employee retention and retirement savings
- Learn how to minimize fiduciary exposure and administrative headaches for plan sponsor employees