Available on 3/11
In the U.S., buildings consume 39% of total energy used, as compared to 29% for transportation and 32% for industrial. The cement industry alone contributes 5-7% of global carbon emissions.
As a result, Cambridge, Massachusetts has initiated plans for all new buildings to be “net-zero” (generating as much or more energy than they use) by 2040. The Minnesota legislature is also considering a bill that would require P.E.’s to earn development hours focused on the impacts of climate change on the engineering profession.
Considerations given to the efficient use of construction materials based in part on their carbon footprint is a trend that is likely to continue to grow.
From a mitigation, an adaptation, and a liability perspective (is designing to code sufficient if there is reason to believe that FEMA floodplain maps are out of date in a particular location?), our panel will address the ethical obligations and the business opportunities that exist for firms that acknowledge the implications of climate change.
- Increase awareness of adaptive engineering and vulnerability assessments
- Review examples of firms having successfully leveraged “Adaptive Engineering” in their marketing efforts
- Examine the importance of documentation, training, and due diligence to avoid or defend allegations of having failed to adequately anticipate impacts of climate change
Presenters: Darren Black, Risk Strategies Companies; David Ericksen, Collins Collilns Muir + Stewart LLP; Lauren J. Seydewitz, Senior Environmental Scientist, Gresham Smith; and Kenneth Lewis, Managing Partner, SOM