“These kids today just don’t know how good they have it. In my day we had to ….” You’ve heard it before, and chances are, you’ll say it yourself one day. The speech from one generation to another doesn’t change much. What changes is if you’re the one receiving or the one giving the speech.
The economic recession of 2008 kept many Baby Boomers in the workforce longer than they planned and Millennials are entering at a constant pace. Add Gen X and Gen Y into the mix and you may have a recipe for disaster … or great success. It all depends on how you manage this eclectic mix.
Generational differences are really a form of diversity that must be understood and proactively managed in the workplace.
Join Heath Suddleson to better understand the values of each generation, as well as their work ethic. You will better understand work place accommodations that each generation appreciates and how to better motivate your staff.
- Cultivate working relationships across generational lines
- Formulate motivations strategies for different generations
- Articulate the differences in the four generations
- Demonstrate appreciation for each generation’s contributions
- Create a workspace that gets the most productions
- Reduce instances of Human Resources interventions