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AEC firms rely on technology for almost everything they do. But AEC professionals are trained IT professionals and aren’t in the business of managing IT. It can be tough for AEC firms to evaluate IT services providers or manage internal IT teams to get the most out of their technology investment. In this session Doug Miller, CEO/CTO of Brightworks Group LLC will discuss techniques for AEC firms to manage their technology effectively, to select a good IT service provider, and to best leverage internal IT staff.

Learning Objective:

  • Review the “pain points” AEC firms typically experience with IT
  • Understand how technology should be working in your company and what IT should be delivering
  • Learn how to create “practical IT” – concrete steps and activities to get control of your technology and address the main AEC pain points
  • Develop a checklist of how to evaluate IT service providers and/or set expectations for your internal IT

    About the Presenter: Doug Miller, CEO/CTO, The Brightworks Group LLC

    Course Type

    Online Class

    Delivery Type

    On Demand, Online, Self-Paced

    PDH Credit


    Price (Member)


    Price (Non-Member)


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