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The world is permanently altered. The workplace has changed as society has experienced a new way of living. Firms that recognize which changes are permanent and effectively respond to their clients’ and employees’ new outlook will advance at an accelerated pace.

Learn the priorities, leadership skills, and employee engagement techniques to lead a movement where all employees connect their own goals to the firm’s such that barriers are overcome, and growth remains true.

This presentation will help you grasp the core issues for your firm and clearly understand the available options given the financial runway.


  • Learn the new perspectives on work-life balance and how they play in the business world
  • Explore how to lead change with so many clients and employees working remote or at least a hybrid
  • Identify the top initiatives that have proven effective following a recession to leverage emerging opportunities
  • Examine the elements of leading a movement across the entire company to manage risks, enhance the customer experience, and to grow the capability of your leadership team

    About the Presenter: Doug Reed, P.E. authored the critically renowned book Lead a Movement: An Insider’s Guide to Powerful Strategy Execution. In this book, Doug observes that the most common unresolved business failure is a good strategy that has never been properly executed. Doug describes how strategy execution can produce growth with certainty, not chance.

    After leadership roles in several engineering and architectural firms that achieved ENR top 100 status, Doug is now the President and CEO of Meridian Associates, a mid-size firm supporting the alternative energy and real estate industry with innovative civil engineering and survey solutions such as 3D LiDAR modeling.

    Course Type

    Online Class

    Delivery Type

    On Demand, Online, Self-Paced

    PDH Credit


    Price (Member)


    Price (Non-Member)


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