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Major changes continue to swirl and mount all around us, but which ones are permanent? Which ones can we take the time to evolve with, and which ones do we need to better understand and get ahead of in order to differentiate ourselves and stay on top?

We know that the “next normal” settling in will never be as it was, and neither will the type of leadership and management needed to move our teams and organizations forward.

Next level leadership and management is about having a higher level of understanding of how business and society has changed and having a clearer and more compelling vision for the future. It is also about initiating a series of actions to inspire greater employee and client engagement and create greater growth and value through better alignment and systems design.

Next level leadership allows us to leverage all of the 4P’s: projects, profits, people, and purpose – some of which hasn’t and won’t change, and some of which requires a major shift. Making the right adjustments will be key to standing out and winning in the workplace, marketplace, and recruiting space.

This session is designed to help position you and your team for greater success now and moving forward.

You’ll learn:

  • How the “next normal” is different in the eyes of both your talent and your clients
  • Why next level leadership demands more than just a better business strategy
  • The reason most organizations struggle with change and change management
  • How to better understand and leverage each of the 4P’s, including the 3 types of purpose
  • The 5-step I.M.P.A.C.T. process: Inventory, Mission, Plan, Authenticity, Capacity, and Trigger, designed specifically to help you succeed

Presenter: Peter C. Atherton, P.E., President and Founder, ActionsProve LLC

Course Type

Online Class

Delivery Type

On Demand, Online, Self-Paced

PDH Credit


Price (Member)


Price (Non-Member)


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