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ACEC News / Governance

May 6, 2021

ACEC Enters into MOU with Canadian, Mexican, and International Engineering Associations

ACEC Enters into MOU with Canadian, Mexican, and International Engineering Associations

ACEC has signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with the International Federation of Consulting Engineers (FIDIC), ACEC/Canada, and Mexico’s National Chamber of Consulting Firms  (CNEC) to “strengthen cooperation between engineering industries throughout the region.”

Under the agreement, the parties will:

  • Identify mutual interests and promote networking opportunities and exchange of information on market conditions to facilitate cooperation and collaboration between member firms.
  • Identify, develop, share, and advocate for business best practices, including on Qualifications-Based Selection (QBS), project delivery, contracting methodologies, and risk management.
  • Provide platforms for exchanging published information and materials between the parties for use by the parties and/or their member firms, under request and cost terms similar to each party’s internal procedures.  
  • Encourage participation in each other’s webinars, seminars, workshops, training, conferences, conventions, General Assembly Meetings, and related open activities (in person or virtual). Joint events should be considered.
  • Participate, as needed and agreed on, in virtual or in-person meetings to assess progress and decide on specific mutual goals and activities to pursue going forward. Target quarterly meetings of principals to start.

Click here to read the MOU.


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May 6, 2021



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