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ACEC News / Advocacy

August 27, 2020

ACEC ACTION ALERT: Advocate Now for Engineering Industry Priorities in Economic Relief Package

ACEC is calling on members to contact their Congressional delegations to highlight urgent industry priorities in legislation to support the nation’s economic recovery.

Click here to contact Your Representative and Senators.

ACEC is advocating for fiscal relief for state and local governments hard hit by pandemic response actions. This includes immediate funding to state departments of transportation, transit agencies, airports, and water utilities whose revenues have declined precipitously. This funding backstop will preserve critical services and keep projects from being canceled or delayed in 2021.

 ACEC is seeking:

  • $37 billion in federal-aid highway funding for State DOTs to backstop projected revenue losses over the next 5 years;
  • $32 billion in assistance to transit agencies, to address serious revenue shortfalls resulting from the pandemic;
  • Assistance to drinking water and wastewater systems, as utilities are anticipating an estimated $30 billion shortfall in revenues due to COVID-19;
  • $10 billion for the Airport Improvement Program (AIP) to assist the nation’s airports;
  • A correction of IRS guidance to clarify that expenses covered by PPP loan forgiveness are also tax deductible, which will provide needed tax relief for small and mid-sized engineering firms across the country;
  • Liability safe harbor for employers that take reasonable efforts to comply with mandatory coronavirus standards and regulations.

Congressional leaders are in negotiations with the White House over the next economic relief package, so time is of the essence to make sure these priorities are included.

Click here to contact Your Representative and Senators.

All comments to blog posts will be moderated by ACEC staff.

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August 27, 2020



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