ACEC News / Advocacy
May 21, 2020
ACEC Arkansas Reaches ACEC/PAC Fundraising Goal in Support of a Pro-Business Agenda
ACEC Arkansas reached its 2020 ACEC/PAC fundraising goal this week, marking the eighth year in a row that the state organization has hit its target.
“This is the earliest in the year that we’ve reached our goal,” said Co-PAC Champ Roger Dodds of FTN Associates in Little Rock. “It’s a credit to our Association leadership which has made ACEC/PAC a priority—particularly to one of our board members who went above and beyond to engage eleven new contributors from his firm this year.”
“With it being an election year, contributing to ACEC/PAC is more important than ever,” added Co-PAC Champion Brad Hammond of Olsson in Fayetteville. “We need to support candidates who champion a pro-business agenda.”
Indiana, Hawaii, Minnesota, and Wisconsin have also reached their 2020 fundraising goals.
Click here to visit the ACEC/PAC website. For more information, contact ACEC Vice President Political Affairs Dave Bender or ACEC Political Director Jennifer Pugh.
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