ACEC News / Industry News
September 12, 2019
ACEC President/CEO Linda Bauer Darr Leads Panel at FIDIC Conference

ACEC President/CEO Linda Bauer Darr led an expert panel on “Integrity Challenges Associated with Technological Innovation” at the annual International Federation of Consulting Engineers (FIDIC) International infrastructure Conference in Mexico City this week.
“We are working on more complex projects than ever before, which means a bigger supply chain, more business partners, and more data to be shared,” said Darr. “As the complexity and connectivity of design increases, so too do opportunities for bad actors to create and exploit vulnerabilities.
“And it’s not just hackers or adversarial governments that we need to be mindful of. As more engineering firms look to conduct business with overseas partners, issues of ethics, compliance and anti-corruption take center stage.
Darr discussed these issues with the panel members: 2019-2020 FIDIC President Bill Howard of CDM Smith; James Mwangi of Kurrent Technologies Ltd. in Kenya; Amany Nuseibeh, a veteran portfolio, program and project management consultant in Australia; Jorge Diaz Padilla of Systec in Mexico; and Soren Adamsen of COWI in Denmark.
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