ACEC News / Education
August 24, 2021
ACEC Provides Exclusive Peer Benchmarking Analysis to Member Firms

To participate in ACEC’s new online Peer Benchmarking Analysis program exclusively for ACEC firms, members must complete a detailed online questionnaire about their markets, operations, and financial performance.
ACEC has partnered with the Environmental Financial Consulting Group (EFCG), a leading advisor to A/E/C firms since 1990, to design and manage the program.
All participating firms will receive a free summary presentation of the key metrics and takeaways from the survey results.
Firms can also purchase premium access, in which they can benchmark their performance in real-time against their peers on prior/current/projected growth and prior/current/projected profit, turnover, utilization, revenue multiplier, and overhead rate, by company size, sector, and geography.
Click here for more information.
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