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When considering the engineering workforce shortage, it is critical that ACEC member firms prioritize making their workplaces attractive to prospective employees. It is equally important that those environments foster a sense of inclusion and belonging to retain talent.

Release of an upcoming benchmarking study by the ACEC Research Institute on DEI&B will provide insights for ACEC member firms, but the Institute was able to share several preliminary data points for Fall Conference attendees.

Of the responses up to this point, 36 percent of member firms have such a strategy in place, 35 percent are working to develop a strategy, but 28 percent do not have a strategy and are not currently working to develop one. It means that 71 percent of responding firms have or are developing a strategy.

When thinking about improvements in the engineering sector, there are more statistics to note. While the population is 50/50 when it comes to gender, survey results reveal that 68 percent of the workforce is male, and 32 percent is female. This data is a teaser, as the Institute says it is worth looking at the finalized report (coming out in the fall) that compares these percentages to those of engineering graduates.

Janie Tiedeman, vice president of RS&H, closed by noting that “these are the people taking over in the future.” She drove home the importance of appealing to younger professionals by “making our firms look like places they want to be.” Especially considering that incoming generations are coming from colleges with diverse organizations and classrooms, it is critical to offer training opportunities on how to create more inclusive environments.

By checking out the benchmarking resource, users can see what it takes to move from one stage to the next. The tool is now reopened for firms that want to participate. Reach out to the ACEC Research Institute for login information or to email questions at:


October 17, 2023



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