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Advocacy / Infrastructure

February 3, 2020

ACEC’s Darr Urges Congress to Let Engineers Make Engineering Decisions on Local Infrastructure Projects

ACEC's Darr Urges Congress to Let Engineers Make Engineering Decisions on Local Infrastructure Projects

ACEC President and CEO Linda Bauer Darr argued against federal material preference legislation in a letter published in The Hill Blog last week.

In response to an op-ed by U.S. Representatives Harley Rouda (D-CA) and Brian Babin (R-TX) promoting their SMART Infrastructure Act, Barr asserted that the bill would “legislate decisions on pipes and other construction materials that should be made by licensed, professional engineers working closely with their clients as trusted advisors.

“These are technical decisions that should be made based on the unique needs of each community, taking into account critical factors such as structural integrity, soil compatibility, maintenance and life cycle costs, to name a few.”

Click here to read the published letter

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February 3, 2020



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