Today, the National Institute of Lobbying Ethics (NILE) announced that ACEC’s Dave Bender was named one of just two Top PAC Professionals of the Year. This award recognizes excellence in the field while ensuring the selection process is purely merit-based. The dedicated panel of NILE judges blindly evaluated each nominee to guarantee that the honor of being a Top Lobbyist or PAC Professional was earned solely through outstanding performance and dedication to their profession.
He was recognized for his work hosting nearly 50 events during the year, meeting with more than 170 members of Congress, and expanding ACEC’s relationships with the Congressional Black Caucus, and the Hispanic and Asian Pacific caucuses. Through his leadership, the ACEC PAC ranks #1 in the design and build industry and #17 in all national trade associations as reported by NABPAC – the National Association of Business Political Action Committees.