Last week, the Federal Agencies and Procurement Advocacy (FAPA) Committee held its annual summer meeting in Denver, CO.
As a hub to several civilian agencies, the Committee hosted numerous federal clients concentrating on Western land issues, land and water conservation, and roadway maintenance within our national park network. The Committee met with the National Parks Service, the Bureau of Reclamation and FHWA’s Central Federal Lands, which is charged with overseeing the public roads that service federal and tribal lands.
In addition, the Committee met with its tri-services partners with NAVFAC, the Corps of Engineers and the Air Force Civil Engineer Center (AFCEC). The services discussed topics related to the Dept. of Defense’s electrification policy, how NAVFAC is addressing the congressionally mandated changes to Task Order Selection and their approach to CUI with the coming CMMC requirements. The Committee met personally with the Corps’ new point of contact to lead the development of the A/E Industry Playbook, topics discussed included deliverable timelines, project lifecycle, and its impact on stakeholders within the built environment.
The purpose of the Federal Agencies and Procurement Advocacy Committee is to undertake advocacy efforts with Congress and federal agencies to promote the interests of ACEC members engaged in contracting with the federal government. To learn more or to join, please contact Dan Hilton at