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Engineers Week is a celebration that underscores the indispensable role of engineers in shaping our world. It fosters awareness about the pivotal contributions engineers make to society, from building sustainable infrastructure and advancing technology to solving complex global challenges. Engineers Week not only inspires future generations to pursue careers in engineering but also encourages collaboration and innovation within the engineering community, driving progress and innovation forward for a better tomorrow.

Take a look back the initiatives undertaken by ACEC member firms during E-Week:

→  Olsson Brings Engineering to Life for Students

→ ACEC/MS Members Appear with Gov. Tate Reeves for E-Week Proclamation Signing

→ ACEC Ohio Celebrates E-Week with Events in Columbus and Toledo

→ ACEC Oregon Members Learn About Political Involvement in Salem

→ CRS Engineering & Surveying Organizes Staff Activities to Celebrate E-Week

→ Sain Associates Hosts Girl Day Events to Celebrate Engineers Week

→ Ayres Associates Hosts Career Expo to Celebrate Engineers Week

→ ACEC Alaska Kicks Off Engineers Week, Engages Students in Engineering

→ ACEC/MS Celebrates Engineers Week with Radio Spot & Governor’s Proclamation

→ Walter P Moore Celebrates E-Week Recognizing Achievements, Looking to the Future


March 21, 2024



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