Industry News / Infrastructure Funding
March 20, 2019
Report Finds that $232 Billion in Needed Public Transit Investment Would Yield $928 Billion in Economic Activity
A report by the American Public Transportation Association (APTA) has identified at least $232 billion in critical public transportation investments. APTA estimates that making that investment over ten years would result in $928 billion in economic activity over a 20-year period.
The report divides the nation’s public transit needs into three areas: State of good repair backlog; capital investments; and priority projects.
A 2015 report by the Federal Highway Administration (FHwA) and the Federal Transit Administration (FTA) put the good repair backlog at $89.9 billion for public transportation. These investments would not be to expand service, but to ensure optimal service from the systems in place. They include essential bus and rail capital, safety and operating repairs, and upgrades to bridges, stations, power and signal systems, and maintenance facilities, as well as replacement of overage buses and trains.
Federal assistance for transit agencies’ capital investment needs is funded theough the FTA’s Capital Investment Grant Program. There are approximately $51.2 billion in projects in the pipeline, but since 2012 funding has averaged just $2.16 billion annually.
APTA member agencies identified an additional 169 priority projects totaling $91 billion. These include construction of downtown construction centers, building of bus rapid transit, and others to improve the safety, convenience, and reliability of public transit.
To view the report, click here.
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