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Advocacy / Industry News

November 7, 2019

Transportation Initiatives Perform Strongly in November 5 Elections

Transportation Initiatives Perform Strongly in November 5 Elections

In the November 5 elections, almost 90 percent of state and local transportation ballot initiatives were approved, according to analysis by the Transportation Investment Advocacy Center (ARTBA-TIAC).

In total, 270 measures were approved in 19 states and are expected to generate more than $9.6 billion in one-time and recurring revenue. Two ballot initiatives in Texas are still pending.

Among the measures that passed:

  • Maine voters approved a $105 million bond measure to fund infrastructure projects.
  • In Houston, voters approved a $3.5 billion bond measure to expand transit in the city’s “Moving Forward Plan.”
  • Voters in Albuquerque approved extending the city’s transportation tax to pay for road improvements, maintenance, and transit operations.

The election results continue a decade-long trend of state and local voters supporting transportation investments. According to ARTBA-TIAC, voters have approved 81 percent of nearly 2,000 transportation investment ballot measures since 2010,

Click here for more on the election results.

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November 7, 2019



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