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As Linda mentioned in her CEO letter yesterday, we have been closely monitoring the executive actions coming out of Washington, including the Trump Administration’s temporary halt on all federal financial assistance, disbursements and grant awards.

The Administration’s action, which came in the form of a memo released by the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) on Monday, was blocked last night by a federal district judge, and we learned earlier today that Acting White House Budget Director Matthew Vaeth has officially rescinded the memo.  Media outlets cite unnamed White House sources indicating that this move was made “to end the confusion” over the apparent blanket freeze on a broad array of federal programs.

While the OMB directive was withdrawn, this action did not withdraw related Executive Orders from the White House seeking to impose more targeted federal funding restrictions.  Agency leaders may also still be empowered to hit the pause button on certain federal programs, and the broad list of water, transportation and other programs highlighted in the OMB memo and my letter to you yesterday may provide an indication of the direction this effort is headed.

Because there remains a great deal of uncertainty ACEC will continue to do outreach to federal agencies, to our Capitol Hill allies and to stakeholders to gather information and advocate for the programs that support the markets we serve.  We’re also setting up an online resource center on ACEC’s website that will provide easy access to information from the White House, from Capitol Hill, and resources generated by ACEC on this issue.  We’ll circulate that link to ACEC members as soon as it’s ready.

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January 29, 2025



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