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ACEC News / Education

July 10, 2019

Avoid the M&A Pitfalls–ACEC Online Class, July 24

It’s not every day that you sell your firm or buy another one. That limited experience can lead to costly M&A pitfalls.

In the July 24 ACEC online class Solving the Mystery of Mergers & Acquisitions (Spoiler Alert: The Owner/Founder Did It!), Bill Mandel, partner at Fox Rothschild LLP, will share the essentials of M&A and help you avoid the pitfalls.

Learn how to:

  • Value your firm
  • Identify what major acquirers in the engineering consultant space are looking for in an M&A partner
  • Position your firm to be a target
  • Understand the M&A process, including economic and legal terms of a deal
  • Review the most recent deal terms and how your firm would fare in the M&A market
  • Discover how long an M&A deal can take and what factors speed or slow the process
  • Avoid common pitfalls to achieve a successful transaction

For more information and to register, click here.

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July 10, 2019



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